If you decide to give a speech in honor of the bride on her wedding day, the following questions and considerations can help you make your speech a successful part of the program. You and the bride have a story together that led her to choose you as maid of honor. Now it's up to you to tell this story, praise the bride and groom, and wish them both only the very best. Giving the best man's speech is just one of many small tasks that await you as maid of honor. But don't worry, next to getting married yourself, it's the best job in the world!
Before you start writing anything down, ask yourself a few questions and remember how your friendship and her relationship with the groom started. What does your friend mean to you? What did you think when you first saw the groom? How do you know that the two of them belong together? If technology allows it, you can have a few photos projected onto the wall to accompany your speech. As with any good speech, you can divide yours into three parts for better orientation.
The introduction – the perfect introduction
In the introduction, you should warmly welcome the guests and introduce yourself first if most of the guests don't know you. Create a relaxed atmosphere ! Talk about how happy you are to be here today. You can also mention that you are excited. A couple of welcoming comments that arouse the interest of the attentively listening guests and calm your nerves are always a good idea at the beginning.
The main part – the heart of your speech
Lead skilfully into the part where you can now record the answers to the questions asked previously. You can tell a funny anecdote or philosophize about love and tell how happy you are for the bride and groom that they have found each other. Talk about your friendship with the bride and groom and talk about the two of them as a couple. Tell us something about how the two of them met and your first reaction to the groom. Always pay attention to your wording and the appropriateness of the topics you talk about. Otherwise, anything that pleases and delights you is allowed.
> Also interesting: The best activities for wedding guests
The conclusion – And now a toast!
A toast is a great way to end a maid of honor speech. Ask the guests to raise their glasses and offer your congratulations to the bride and groom.
Pay particular attention to the following:
Liebe Lisa,
vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar zu unserem Artikel über die perfekte Trauzeugenrede! Eine tolle emotionale Rede zu schreiben, ist tatsächlich keine einfache Sache. Wenn du extra Hilfe benötigst, kannst du dir z.B. bei https://www.hochzeitsrede-bausatz.de gute Redeunterstützung holen. Oder aber du schaust im Internet unter dem Stichwort “Hochzeitsrede schreiben lassen” nach einem professionellen Redenschreiber, der dir deine persönliche Hochzeitsrede für deine Schwester schreibt.
Ganz herzliche Grüße und eine tolle Hochzeit für dich und deine Schwester!
Guten Abend,
Meine Schwester heiratet in 2 Wochen und ich möchte eine schöne unvergessliche Rede halten nur leider bin ich überhaupt nicht der Typ dazu so eine Rede zu schreiben. Vill können Sie mir dabei behilflich sein
Lg Lisa